Friday, January 6, 2012

NFL Players Association Comes Out Against "So-Called 'Right-to-Work" Legislation

REPOSTED with permission from Political Peon.

As Indiana readies to host its first ever Super Bowl on February 5, 2012 at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Governor Mitch Daniels and the Republican controlled everything in the state capitol have decided it is time to push through a controversial piece of legislation that adversely in a big way, affects UNIONS.

This is getting to be a bit embarrassing.  I need to review what 'Hoosier Hospitality' means again.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, today, January 6, 2012:
WASHINGTON—As NFL players, we know our success on the field comes from working together as a team. We’re not just a team of football players—we’re also the fans at games and at home, the employees who work the concession stands and the kids who wear the jerseys of our favorite football heroes. NFL players know what it means to fight for workers’ rights, better pensions and health and safety in the workplace. 
To win, we have to work together and look out for one another. Today, even as the city of Indianapolis is exemplifying that teamwork in preparing to host the Super Bowl, politicians are looking to destroy it trying to ram through so-called “right-to-work” legislation. 
“Right-to-work” is a political ploy designed to destroy basic workers’ rights. It’s not about jobs or rights, and it’s the wrong priority for Indiana.
The facts are clear—according to a January 2012 Economic Policy Institute briefing report (“Working Hard to Make Indiana Look Bad”), “right-to-work” will lower wages for a worker in Indiana by $1,500 a year because it weakens the ability of working families to work together, and it will make it less likely that working people will get health care and pensions.
So-called “right-to-work” bills divide working families at a time when communities need to stand united. We need unity—not division. We urge legislators in Indiana to oppose “right-to-work” efforts, and focus instead on job creation.
As Indianapolis proudly prepares to host the Super Bowl it should be a time to shine in the national spotlight and highlight the hard-working families that make Indiana run instead of launching political attacks on their basic rights. It is important to keep in mind the plight of the average Indiana worker and not let them get lost in the ceremony and spectacle of such a special event. This Super Bowl should be about celebrating the best of what Indianapolis has to offer, not about legislation that hurts the people of Indiana.

Thank you Ed Schultz, Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow for talking with some of us about this issue yesterday.  Although this struggle is not over, we appreciate that you reported on what is happening in our state and look forward to follow-ups!


The Indy Channel - ABC RTV6, picked up the story.

The NFLPA doesn't threaten anything in its statement, but if right-to-work isn't resolved before the Super Bowl, some believe unions could use the game as a platform to attract national attention.FOR UNIONS HOPING TO USE THE NATIONAL ATTENTION.

Indy Star has it.

The players association said Friday that Indiana Republicans are trying to "ram through" the legislation before Indianapolis hosts the Super Bowl on Feb. 5.

Google Search Results -- About 1,780,000 results (0.49 seconds)

Yeah, it's out there.

Monday, July 11, 2011

DANI LTE Campaign: DANI 3rd Member Letter Published

DANI member and Co-Chair, Don Briggs got his letter published in The News Dispatch out of Michigan City, Indiana.  Megan Rue had her letter published last week in the Post-Tribune.  Mary Jo Nuland's letter is published in The Times!

We'll give you a snip, but be sure to click here to read the remainder of Mary Jo's letter.
As a woman who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, which is a higher functioning form of autism, seven years ago, I will be getting Medicare benefits added to my Social Security disability in August.
I am concerned about the privatization of Medicare as I worked hard all of my adult life, and I have never had much money.
If any member letters are published, please let us know so that we can support the effort by sharing your letter via a blog post, and social media.  Contact DANI Publicity/Media Laison, Megan Rue at

We met on Sunday, July 9, 2011 at the Blackbird Cafe in Valparaiso, Indiana and will continue to do so.  We are changing course to focus ON the issue of the current budget talks and the debt ceiling vote that is coming up. 

The situation as it stands to date looks to most of us like an exercise that does not include 'Shared Sacrifice'.

Click the link below to read Independent Senator Sanders letter to the President.

If you have any questions, would like a read through, need an idea, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Few Words From FDR Regarding Republicans...

‎"Let me warn you, and let me warn the nation against the smooth evasion that says 'Of course we believe these things. We believe in social security. We believe in work for the unemployed. We believe in saving homes. Cross our hearts and hope to die, we believe in all theses things, but we do not like the way the present administration is doing them. Just turn them over to us. We will do all of them. We will do more of them. We will do them better, and most important of all, the doing of them will not cost anybody anything.'" President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat


DANI LTE Campaign: DANI Member's Letter Published

If any member letters are published, please let us know so that we can support the effort by sharing your letter via a blog post, and social media.  Contact DANI Publicity/Media Laison, Megan Rue at

Letter entitled 'Don’t give GOP control of our health care system' published today, coverage area in Northwest Indiana and Illinois.

Here's a snip.  Click the link below to read the remainder of the Letter and give the Post-Tribune website a little love.

I remember the time my 70-something mother called me to say she had just awakened and her insides were coming out.

I jokingly asked if her warranty had expired. It turned out to be a prolapsed bladder, and a surgeon made the necessary repairs.

Thank goodness for Medicare.

I tell this story because part of the decade-long debate that led to enacting Medicare — the health insurance program for America’s senior citizens — also had to deal with a challenge, an uncomfortable truth, namely, chronic health problems of an aging population. 
read more here

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Suggested Talking Points For DANI Medicare & Social Security 'Letters To The Editor Writing Campaign'

Suggested talking points from Don.

Medicare/Social Security LTEs
Talking points—share these thoughts in your LTEs, but change the wording.
Choose talking points from these groups. Use the embedded links to back up your arguments.
Group 1: the Republican ideology on Medicare and Social Security 
• In August 2009, Teabaggers held protest signs saying, "Get your government hands off my Medicare." (See, e.g., Help Slate track the "Medicare isn't government" meme. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine ) Well, Republicans who took over Congress in 2010 have voted to do exactly that: to end Medicare, and to make it simply a voucher program—to get government out of health care for the elderly. They've also recently voted to end Social Security. 
• In the early 1960s, the Republicans tried to stop Medicare. They called it "Socialized Medicine." They've been trying to undo it ever since Medicare became law in 1965. 
• The Republican ideology says we can't have Medicare or Social Security. They call it "Socialism." Recently, Republicans in Congress have voted to end both. 
Group 2: but we need Medicare and Social Security 
• I have relatives who need Medicare and Social Security. (Or, "I need Medicare and Social Security." "My parents need Medicare and Social Security.")  
• Nearly everyone depends on Medicare and Social Security, directly of indirectly. Either you're a beneficiary yourself, or you have parents or grandparents who are beneficiaries. (The very rich don't need these programs, though.) 
Group 3: Get specific, call them out: 
• On Friday, April 15 2011, Republicans in the US House of Representatives passed a bill to end Medicare. The vote was 235-193. Only four Republican representatives voted against the measure. 
• Republicans have once again introduced legislation to privatize Social Security: H.R.2109 - Savings Account for Every American Act of 2011. (See: H.R.2109: Savings Account for Every American Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress) 
• Republicans tried to privatize Social Security early in 2005. Fortunately, they failed. Think what your private Social Security account would be worth in the aftermath of the Bush financial crisis of September 2008. 
Group 4: the negative impact: 
• Paul Krugman said it best:
      "It's a mystery why anyone claims that shifting more people into private insurance is a good idea. Actually, no, it isn't a mystery; it's an outrage."
(See, e.g., Daily Kos: Killing Medicare in Pictures) 

• Insurance costs are spiraling out of control. It would be disastrous to force our elderly out of Medicare and into private health insurance. 
• Medicare spends only about 3% on overhead. Private health insurance spends more like 30% on overhead. Some of that goes to a paperwork battle with health care providers, trying to avoid payouts. Some goes to lobbying Congress to kill Medicare. That effort seems to be working. Our health care money ought to go to health care, not to undermining health care. And private health insurance companies are making record profits.
Group 5: What to do
• Share your thoughts with your Congressman and Senators, with your friends and neighbors, and with your church. The Republicans want to end Medicare and Social Security, but that would be a disaster to the Middle Class and working poor. 
• Share your thoughts with your local party leaders, both parties.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

DANI EVENT: Reception for Democratic State Representatives

You are cordially invited to 

Heroes Welcome Reception!

To thank State Representatives

Chuck Moseley

Charlie Brown
Scott Pelath 

for filibustering with their feet,  
standing up for Hoosier families and our Democratic values,
and for all of their hard work on our behalf
Wednesday, May 18th, at 6:30pm 

Eagles Lodge
 805 Elm Street, Valparaiso, Indiana

The informal meet-and-greet reception with buffet will be followed by a legislative round-up, and discussion on where we go from here.

We Thank, With Gratitude, Our Heroes 

Linda Lawson, HD1 Earl Harris, HD2 Charlie Brown, HD3 Scott Pelath, HD9 Chuck Moseley, HD10 Dan Stevenson, HD11 Mara Candelaria, HD12 Chet Dobis, HD13 Vernon Smith, HD14 Shelli VanDenburgh,  HD19 Nancy Dembowski, HD17

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Urgent Call For Action From Stand Up For Hoosiers

A recent Facebook post from Stand Up For Hoosiers asks for your help. Please follow this link to tell your Indiana state rep to vote NO on House Bill 1216! Thanks for your help.

Protect Good Jobs and Good Wages! 
If passed, House Bill 1216 would gut Indiana’s Common Construction Wage rendering it virtually useless. The Common Construction Wage is a critical part of our economic recovery. It guarantees decent wages, quality projects and ensures Hoosier tax dollars are invested in creating jobs for Hoosier workers.
Write your representative using the form at this link and tell them to vote ‘NO’ on House Bill 1216!
Click this link to like DANI on Facebook.  

Follow us on Twitter as DANI_NW_IN.